Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tempat bersejarah dan wisata laennya di Yogyakarta

1.        Bank Indonesia dan kantor pos besar dan benteng vredeburg
Gedung Bank Indonesia dan Kantor Pos Besar. Bangunan Kolonial yang indah ini terletak di utara untuk Karaton. Beberapa meter ke arah timur terdapat Gereja Agama Katholik tua yang terletak di Jl. Secodiningratan (Sekarang Jln P Senopati).
Dan untuk benteng vredeburg terletak didepan Gedung Agung (bekas istana Presiden RI di jaman Yogyakarta menjadi ibukota Negara tahun 1946),dibelakang Monumen Serangan Umum 1 Maret terletak sebuah benteng kuno, Vredeburg. Benteng ini sengaja didirikan oleh penjajah Belanda untuk mengamankan pemerintahannya dengan seorang Gubernur Hindia Belanda yang bertempat tinggal di Gedung Gubernuran (Gedung Agung sekarang).

2.        Gereja KotaBaru
Terletak 2Km di sebelah barat Stasiun Tugu / malioboro. Merupakan gereja tua peninggalan zaman kolonial. Terkenal dengan nama Gereja Katolik St Antonius.

3.        Gedung Agung Istana Yogyakarta
Dikenal dengan nama Gedung Agung terletak di pusat keramaian kota, tepatnya di ujung selatan Jalan Akhmad Yani dahulu dikenal Jalan Malioboro, jantung ibu kota Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kawasan istana terletak di Kelurahan Ngupasan, Kecamatan Gondomanan, Kotamadya Yogyakarta, dan berada pada ketinggian 120 meter dari permukaan laut. Kompleks istana ini menempati lahan seluas 43,585 m2.

4.        Makam Imogiri
Imogiri sebenarnya Makam Hastanegara, dan merupakan makam yang lebih muda usianya dibandingkan dengan makam kotagede. Di Makam Imogiri ini, dimakamkan Raja-raja yang memerintah Kerajaan Mataram sepeninggalan Panembahan Senopati, terutama Putra Sultan Agung Hanyokro Kusumo.
Makam ini dibangun diatas bukit, dan untuk mencapainya kita harus mendaki tangga dari batu berundak sebanyak 345 buah hingga tiba disuatu persimpangan jalan. Ziarah ke Makam Imogiri dapat dilakukan setiap hari Senin antara pukul 10.00 hingga 13.00 atau haru minggu antara pukul 13.30 hingga 16.30 WIB

5.        Tugu Yogyakarta
Adalah salah satu bangunan peninggalan Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Pembangunan Tugu tersebut dilakukan untuk memperingati rasa kebersamaan raja (pada waktu itu Pangeran Mangkubumui) dengan rakyat yang bersatu padu melawan Belanda sehingga Pangeran Mangkubumi mendapatkan tanah Mataram. Tugu tersebut dibangun setahun setelah Perjanjian Gianti. Ketinggian Tugu pada waktu dibangun pertama kali adalah 25 meter.

6.        Monument serangan 1 maret
Terletak di sebelah selatang benteng Vredeburg berdiri dengan tegar, mengingatkan kita pada peristiwa nasional yang tersebar dalam sejarah berdirinya RI. Peristiwa ini pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949, tatkala Letnan Kolonel Soeharto (sekarang Presiden RI) memimpin Serangan Umum ke kota Yogyakarta yang saat itu berada dalam penguasaan bala tentara penjajah Belanda.
Serangan itu berhasil dengan gemilang dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia telah berhasil menguasai kota Yogya selama 6 jam yang membawa hasil penyerahan Kedaulatan Rakyat dari pihak pemerintah Belanda kepada RI.

7.        Monument Jogja Kembali
Didirikan untuk mengenang peristiwa bersejarah yaitu bebasnya Yogyakarta dari Pendudukan Belanda tahun 1949. Monumen ini terletak di Sariharjo, Ngaglik Sleman kira-kira 7 km dari Tugu Yogyakarta. Monumen ini berbentuk kerucut menpunyai gunung dan terdiri dari tiga lantai.
Lantai dasar punya pintu lurus dari barat ke timur sesuai dengan rotasi bumi. Pada lantai ini terdapat bermacam-macam display dan cerita lengkap mengenai peristiwa menjelang “Yogya Kembali”. Lantai kedua punya pintu lurus dari utara ke selatan, terjalin dengan garis fisalfat bangunan kraton Yogyakarta.
Lantai ini berisi cerita-cerita perjuangan yang dimulai dari saat Yogyakarta menjadi ibukota RI sampai peristiwa Yogya kembali. Lantai ketiga berada pada bagian paling atas, pada lantai ini tidak memiliki pintu para pengunjung bisa masuk ke ruangan ini melalui bagian bawah. Lantai ini punya satu ruang yang disebut “Gerba Graha” yang berarti ruang bersemedi.

8.        Puro Pakualaman Yogyakarta
Berlokasi di Jln Sultan. Merupakan kerajaan kecil di dalam wilayah Kerajaan Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat.

9.        Sendangsono
Merupakan tempat ziarah bagi pemeluk agama Roma Katholik, tempat ini dibangun menyerupai Loudes di Perancis, dimana pada masa yang silam, Bunda Maria, ibunda Nabi Isa Al Masih telah menampakkan diri dihadapan seorang gadis Santa Bernadeta, dan melakukan berbagai mukjijat kepada masyarakat setempat.
Nama Sendangsono diambil dari istilah “sendang” yang berarti mata air dan “sono”, merupakan nama suatu jenis pohon. Sedangkan sendangsono berarti mata air di bawah pohon sono. Pada bulan Mei dan Oktober, tempat ini ramai sekali dipenuhi peziarah dari seluruh Indonesia.

10.     Taman Sari
Terletak lebih kurang 400 meter dari Komplek Kraton Yogyakarta atau lebih kurang 10 menit berjalan kaki dari halaman dalam belakang Kraton yang disebut Kemandungan Kidul atau halaman Magangan.Taman Sari berarti taman yang indah, pada zaman dahulu merupakan tempat rekreasi Sri Sultan beserta kerabat Istana.

11.     Ngasem
Tepatnya di wilayah Kecamatan Kraton, dan hanya berjarak sekitar 200 m dari gerbang Kraton Yogyakarta serta berhimpitan dengan Tamansari, terdapat sebuah pasar yang dikenal sebagai ‘pasar burung”, meskipun sebenarnya merupakan pasar umum, sebab tidak hanya jenis binatang dan burung saja yang ada di pasar tersebut. Pasar tersebut dikenal dengan nama Pasar Ngasem.

12.     Gembiraloka
Gembira Loka terletak di muara sungai Gajah Wong, 3 km sebelah timur Kantor Pos Besar. Dengan koleksi beragam hewan yang menarik, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Selain itu, terdapat juga fasilitas bermain untuk anak. Pada musim libur sekolah, juga diselenggarakan pertunjukan gamelan dan musik tradisional.

13.     Malioboro
Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Jogja. Keramaian dan semaraknya Malioboro tidak terlepas dari banyaknya pedagang kaki lima yang berjajar sepanjang jalan Malioboro menjajakan dagangannya, hampir semuanya yang ditawarkan adalah barang/benda khas Jogja sebagai souvenir/oleh-oleh bagi para wisatawan.
Mereka berdagang kerajinan rakyat khas Jogjakarta, antara lain kerajinan ayaman rotan, kulit, batik, perak, bambu dan lainnya, dalam bentuk pakaian batik, tas kulit, sepatu kulit, hiasan rotan, wayang kulit, gantungan kunci bambu, sendok/garpu perak, blangkon batik [semacan topi khas Jogja/Jawa], kaos dengan berbagai model/tulisan dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Para pedagang kaki lima ini ada yang menggelar dagangannya diatas meja, gerobak adapula yang hanya menggelar plastik di lantai. Sehingga saat pengunjung Malioboro cukup ramai saja antar pengunjung akan saling berdesakan karena sempitnya jalan bagi para pejalan kaki karena cukup padat dan banyaknya pedagang di sisi kanan dan kiri.

14.     Keraton Ngayogyokarto
Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat merupakan sumber pancaran seni budaya Jawa yang dapat di saksikan melalui keindahan arsitektur dengan ornamen-ornamennya yang sangat mempesona. Setiap hari, Kraton terbuka kunjungan wisatawan mulai pukul 7.30 hingga pukul 13.00, kecuali pada hari Juma’t Kraton hanya buka sampai dengan pukul 12.00 WIB.

15.     Kepatihan Dunerejan
Dulunya adalah rumah tinggal bagi Patih. Patih di kerajaan Yogyakarta selalu mendapat gelar DANUREJO. Sehingga tempat tinggal para patih disebut Danurejan.
16.     Pasar Bringharjo
Pasar Beringharjo didirikan oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Pasar ini terletak di sebelah utara kompleks keraton. Nama Pasar Beringharjo diambilkan dari nama hutan Beringan, yakni hutan yang merupakan cikal bakal kota Yogyakarta. Di dalam hutan tersebut terdapat pedukuhan yang bernama Pacetokan yang merupakan tempat berdirinya Keraton Yogyakarta sekarang.

17.     Kiskendo
Taman wisata ini terletak 35 kilometer di sebelah Barat kota Yogyakarta, di pegunungan Menoreh.
Taman Wisata ini terdiri dari Goa Kiskendo, Goa Sumitro dan Watu Blencong . Merupakan goa alam di pegunungan Menoreh yang terletak 1200 m di atas permukaan laut yang berhawa sejuk, dari bentuk serta keadaannya sangat serupa dengan apa yang yang tersirat dalam legenda dalam legenda Istana Goa Kiskendo (yang merupakan fragmen dari cerita Ramayana ), tempat tinggal Raksasa Mahesasura yang berkepala kerbau dan Lembusura yang berkepala sapi.
Dalam kisah pewayangan, di tempat ini terjadi pertempuran antara Subali Sugriwa dengan Mahesasura dan patih Lembusura yang menghuni goa ini.Di samping itu keadaan-keadaan geologis dari goa-goa yang ada di daerah berbatu kapur.
Di dalam goa Kiskendo ini terdapat banyak stalaktit dan stalagmit yang aneh namun indah bentuknya.Di dalam goa ini mengalir sungai di bawah tanah yang dalam cerita pewayangan, dan dalam pertempuran antara Subali ; Sugriwa dan Mahesasura ; Lembusura, mengalirkan air berwarna merah dan putih

18.     Gua Cerme
Di balik ketenaran objek wisata Pantai Parangtritis dan makam raja Mataram (Imogiri), Kabupaten Bantul ternyata masih memiliki satu lagi objek wisata yang tidak kalah menariknya. Wisata alam Goa Cerme, objek wisata yang tersembunyi di Dusun Srunggo, Imogiri.
Untuk menyusuri seluruh relung Gua Cerme yang memiliki lorong sepanjang 1.200 meter itu, diperlukan waktu sekitar 2 jam lebih. Sepanjang jalan yang dilalui, memiliki alur yang berkelok-kelok, dihiasi stalagtit dan stalagmit yang berlekuk-lekuk.

19.     Gua Langse
Terletak di kaki tebing Parangtritis merupakan tempat tetirah yang terkenal, meskipun di sekitarnya juga banyak kawasan serupa, seperti Gua Tapan, Sendang Beji, maupun Gua Siluman. Dalam buku-buku tulisannya, Dr. Hermanus Johannes de Graaf, ilmuwan Belanda yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pengkajian tanah Jawa, menyebut Gua Langse sebagai Gua Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.
Oleh sebab itu, gua ini merupakan tempat yang sering dikunjungi oleh reraja Mataram. Di gua ini konon pernah bersemedi pula Syekh Siti Jenar maupun Sunan Kalijaga. Dari pantai Parangtritis untuk menuju Gua Langse masih harus berjalan sekitar 3 km ke arah timur. Jangan kaget atau merasa ngeri ketika Anda sudah berada di bibir tebing.
Dengan ketinggian tebing 400 m dan nyaris tegak lurus, perjalanan menuju Gua Langse menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Jalan menuju ke kaki tebing tempat Gua Langse berada berupa campuran antara tangga (ada 4 buah pada tempat yang terpisah), akar, dan tonjolan bebatuan.
Sesampainya di gua, pengunjung bisa mandi di salah satu bilik. Air yang dipakai mandi berasal dari mata air yang keluar dari dalam gua. Airnya yang dingin dan tawar serta mengandung kadar kapur tinggi bisa menghilangkan kelelahan akibat perjalanan menuju gua.
Selesai mandi, barulah pengunjung dipersilakan untuk bersemedi. Kesunyian di dalam gua sangat membantu untuk memusatkan pikiran. Suara yang terdengar hanyalah debur ombak pantai selatan.

20.     Gunung Merapi
Mempunyai ketinggian 2968 m dari permukaan laut dan terletak lebih kurang 25 km dari Yogyakarta. Gunung Merapi terbentuk pertama kali sekitar 60.000-80.000 tahun yang lalu. Namun sejarah aktivitasnya baru mulai diamati dan ditulis sebagai dokumen sejak tahun 1791.
Puncak Merapi menjajikan daya pikat untuk menikmati keindahan matahari terbit pada pagi hari dengan pemandangan alami dari jajaran Gunung Ungaran, Telomoyo dan Merbabu. Gung Merapi dan sekitarnya menawarkan wisata gunung api seperti udara yang sejuk, lintas alam, keindahan kubah lava yang masih aktif.

21.     Gua Slarong
Kawasan objek wisata ini memiliki pemandangan alam yang indah serta cocok untuk digunakan sebagai Bumi Perkemahan (Camping Ground). Di masa lampau gua ini digunakan sebagai markas gerilya Pangeran Diponegoro dalam perjuangannya melawan penjajahan Belanda pada tahun 1825–1830.
Pangeran Diponegoro pindah ke Gua Selarong setelah rumahnya di Tegalrejo diserang dan dibakar habis oleh Belanda.Gua Selarong berlokasi sekitar 14 km arah utara Yogyakarta tepatnya di kecamatan Pajangan dan berada di puncak bukit yang ditumbuhi banyak pohon jambu biji yang merupakan khas dari objek tersebut.

22.     Telogo Muncar
Air terjun di kawasan Tlogo Putri – Kaliurang di lereng Gunung Merapi.

23.     Ketep Pass
Merupakan objek wisata di pegunungan, dan km bisa melihat indahnya gunung merapi dengan jelas.

Link Relevan :

Monday, March 22, 2010

List of Yogyakarta Tourism U Can Visit

• Tours of the temple

Brother Temple, temple ijo, queen site boko, Banyunibo temple, temples barong, bubrah temples, temples Kalasan, keblak temples, temples Kedulan, Sambisari temple, temple saris, temples sewu, Singo temples, statues gupolo site, Dawangsari temple, the temple granaries, gudhig remote temple, the temple Gampingan, temples gebang, Gedong Songo Temple, temple gembirowati, mantup sites, temples Miri, morangan temple, Prambanan temple.

• Tour the museum

Affandi Museum, the palace museum, the museum Ullen Sentalu, Sonobudoyo Museum, a museum batik yogyakarta, monument museum yogya back, puppet museum palace.

• Tour the coast

Padansimo beaches, coastal South ', the beach deacon, cloves beaches, beach baron, etc. sundak coast.

Kasongan, the Village Art

Located in the hamlet kajen - Bangunjiwo village - poor districts - Bantul district - yogyakarta. Kasongan is famous for the craft of pottery, furniture, masks, frames, wall hangings, etc.. Pottery is a craft from the ground which then formed into jars, and pots, souvenirs. Many of the local handicrafts are exported to Kasongan European and American countries

Kaliurang at Yogyakarta

It is a tourist attraction on the slopes of Mount Merapi, because on the slopes where the air is automatically his very cool suited for those who want off fatigue, and doing therapy. Place most often visited by tourists is the lake lady. Besides the lake there is also the daughter dikaliurang historic sites such as "homestead Kaliurang", which were used as a place of negotiations between the Indonesian government with Three-State Commission on January 13, 1948.

Kaliurang literally meaning river shrimp, Kaliurang is precisely located in the province of Yogyakarta Sleman district. Trnasportasinya very easy for you to rent a car, motorcycle, taxi or bus. Curious hence came to Yogyakarta, come on ....

How Go to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta City is conveniently located in the central part of Java, close to the most of the cultural and natural attractions of this magnificent island. At the same time, it is easily accessible by the direct flights from the major Asian cities. You just need to come to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur and get onboard of a daily direct flight, operated by AirAsia ( You can also take a flight from Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) or Denpasar (Bali) - there are many flights available every day from both of these Indonesian cities (by Garuda Indonesia, Mandala Air, Lion Air etc).

International Direct Flight

Kuala Lumpur - Yogyakarta by Air Asia and Malaysia Airline
Singapore - Yogyakarta by Air Asia
Singapore - Solo * City by Silk Air

* Solo Yogyakarta city to 1.5 hours travel by car

Domestic Flight

Jakarta - Yogyakarta by Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Mandala Airlines, Batavia, AirAsia
Bali - Yogyakarta by Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Mandala Airlines
Surabaya - Yogyakarta by Lion Air, Batavia

* Flight can be change without prior notice

Or via ground transportation

• Railway
You may reach Yogyakarta by train from Jakarta, Bandung or Surabaya.
• Bus
Yogyakarta can be reached by bus from Sumatra Island, Bali Island, and almost all cities in Java.

Relevant links:

Slarong Cave

Merupakan suatu objek wisata di daerah Yogyakarta, dahulu gua ini dijadikan sebagai markas gerilya Pangeran Diponegoro dalam masa perlawanan Belanda. Gua Slarong merupakan objek wisata mempunyai pemandangan alam yang indah, lokasinya 14 km arah selatan yogyakarta tepatnya di dukuh kembang putihan – kecamatan pajangan – bantul – yogyakarta. Selain ciri pemandangan alam yang khas gua slarong juga banyak ditumbuhi oleh pepohonan buah sawo kecik, kelengkeng dan jambu biji.

Banyak kerajinan yang dihasilkan oleh penduduk sekitar gua Slarong ini, diantaranya adalah seperti topen, ukiran patung, dll. Selain itu terdapat objek agrowisata yaitu tanaman kelengkeng. Mari berkunjung ke Yogyakarta.

Cerme Cave

This cave is a cave a long and deep. The appeal of this go round Stalactite cave, stalagmites, the river in the cave, and bats as the cave dwellers. In this cave there are many rooms such as: remote pendants, extensive caves, the platform meetings, zam-zam water, mustoko, watu review, holy water, Paseban, celestial, Grojogan Sewu, gamelan, penguripan water, stone gilang, rice barns, buildings sekakap , stage, and the courts.

Cerme Cave comes from the word "lecture". This cave has a length of 1.5 km, and is surrounded by small caves. CERME cave was first used by the Walisongo to berdikusi problems, etc..

Relevant links: wikipedia Indonesia

Tourism Object in Yogyakarta

Nature tourism (Mount trim in sleman, cave Kiskendo, slarong cave, cave CERME, sundak beaches, beaches Tritis machete, etc.)

Tour history (yogyakarta palace, temple Sambisari, museums Dewantara griya Kirti, garden sari, etc.)

Cultural tourism (Grebeg palace ceremony yogyakarta, jogja galery, shadow puppets, buggy, gising dolanan boy, etc.)

Religious Tourism (forbidden mountain)

Culinary Tours (porridge gudeng jogja, uwoh wedang Imogiri Bantul, sego brother jirak, malioboro jos coffee, etc.)

Sports tourism (mountain climbing at the beach cloves)

Tourism Expenditures (bird markets - Ngasem, malioboro region, sales of books - a shopping center, yogyakarta bringharjo markets, etc.)

Tour his laen: yogyakarta palace museum, hall nut five, UGM, Gembiraloka kebung animals, argowisata turi, etc.


Yogyakarta or Jogja usual, Jogjakarta, Yogya, Yogyakarta, or DIY. Now we just call DIY. DIY is a province of Indonesia. DIY geographically located in central Java island. In the year 2006 DIY 4.5 Richter earthquake which resulted in 1.2 million people have no home. DIY divided into 5 districts, namely: the City of Yogyakarta, Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul.

DIY City is a city STUDENT, this was because many universities in this city. Besides student known as the city of Yogyakarta is also known as the city of culture. It is said that DIY CULTURE city has many cultural heritage and still hold fast to the culture, it is evidenced by the events grebeng yogyakarta palace, sekaten, shadow puppets, batik dyes, gamelan music. Yogyakarta is also known as the city TOUR, due to its many tourist places which could be addressed such as machetes Tritis beach, beach sundak, kekep beaches, beaches Krakal, beach baron, corner of the fort, malioboro, Gembiraloka Zoo, memorial garden sari, monument jogja back, smoothed slopes, Kaliurang, queens palace boko, Prambanan Temple, the temple Kalasan, Slarong cave, CERME cave, fort van deburg etc

Central of Java

Central Java Province, as one of the Indonesia tourist destination areas, offers various kinds of tourist attractions whether natural, cultural, or man made features. Central Java is located exactly in the middle of Java Island. There is many places that u should to go, like borobudur at magelang, prambanan at klaten, palace solo at solo, yogyakarta palace at Yogyakarta, Tawang mangu at Temanggung, beach Tritis machete - Kaliurang at yogyakarta, the first moslem kingdom in Indonesia at Demak , Dieng mountains, etc

Mountain Bromo

Mount Bromo is not the highest mountain in Java, to the highest mountain in Java semeru go round the mountain with an altitude of 3.676m. bromo mountain but this is a famous mountain in Java because of many peaks inside the massive Tengger Caldera, but it's easily recognized as the entire top has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white sulphurous smoke. The inside of the Caldera, aptly dubbed the Laut Pasir (Sea of Sand) is coated with fine volcanic sand and the overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly, especially when compared to the lush green valleys all around the Caldera

Merapi mountain

Mount merapi is the youngest mountain southern regions of Java, and trim are of the 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia. According to geologists Typically, small eruptions occur every two to three years, and larger ones every 10-15 years or so. Notable eruptions, often causing many deaths, have occurred in 1006, 1786, 1822, 1872 (the most violent eruption in recent history), and 1930-when thirteen villages were destroyed and 1400 people killed by pyroclastic flows.
Mount merapi considered a sacred mountain, therefore it must be god. mbah marijan is the caretaker of the mountain trim. The task of keeping the mountain mbah go round trim so under any circumstances Mbah Maridjan must not leave the mountain, even if the mountain in an active state. Mbah marijan chosen by the sultan to Hameng Kubuono IX. Hameng Kubuono is king of the palace of Yogyakarta. And until now kept marijan mbah gunung merapi

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tengkleng, Indonesian Soup of Goat

Tengkleng is one dish that uses the main ingredient of goats. These dishes like goat stew that contains the bones of goats, but the difference, this Tengkleng contains the head of a goat, tail of a goat, jerohan, ribs, and leg of lamb.
Tengkleng or thengkleng often also written (with h), is a specialty of the solo. Suitable for recipes that use bone remains of sheep, goat legs, and or the head of the goat.
Actually, not far from the spice curry, just minus the coconut milk. That's why this is more Thengkleng feel fresh, not eneg. Want to try?
it also became a prima donna with a savory taste and mixed with a spicy taste, and served in banana leaf pincuk container, yummy cicipin came and did a solo aerah magelang road. It felt good. And how to make it ??
1 bh goat heads, siangi, halved
1 kg lamb ribs
2 lt of water
3 lbr daun salam
2 cm galangal
2 tsp lemon grass, crushed
Lbr 5 lime leaves
1 finger of ginger, crushed
2 pcs cardamom
3 tablespoons cooking oil

BUMBU mashed:
10 spring onions
5 cloves garlic
Btr 10 pecan
1 finger turmeric, roasted
1 tsp coriander
1 / 2 tsp pepper
3 tsp salt
If you can not cook, it easy way to get it. One of the places that sell Tengkleng in Solo and must visit is the Klewer Market, exactly under the gate of the square. Tengkleng Klewer market has been around since 1971 and every day is never empty of visitors. Open beginning at 14:30 and within 2-3 hours, will be exhausted invaded buyers. The buyer himself is a rather packed, there is also a rather eat at a place.

Evicacy of the Ginger

Here the other of Product Indonesia. it's called Ginger and had always been used as medicines, or herbs and various other purposes. Ginger may stimulate the digestive gland, both for arouse appetite and digestion. Ginger is used as seasoning especially efficacious for the add appetite, strengthening the stomach, and improve digestion. It is possible because terangsangnya mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine by the oils that ASIRI issued ginger rhizome.
Oil of ginger contains gingerol a unique flavor of ginger, efficacious to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting, for example because the vehicle was drunk or on women who young pregnant. Also it is hard to stimulate the appetite, strengthens intestinal muscles, help remove intestinal gas and help the heart function. In treatment Traditional Asia, ginger is used to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea and inflammatory disease bone joints like arthritis. Ginger is also used to improve the cleaning of the body through sweat.
• Lowering blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates the release of hormones adrenaline and widen blood vessels, a consequence of blood flowing faster and smooth and lighten the work of the heart pumps blood.
• Helps digestion, because the ginger contains digestive enzymes are protease and lipase, which digests each of protein and fat .
• are anticoagulants, which prevent blood clotting. Be prevent clogging of blood vessels, the main cause of stroke, and attacks heart. Gingerol also thought to help lower cholesterol
• Prevent nausea, as ginger can block the serotonin, the chemical compounds can cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea. Including nausea due to drunk travel.
• Make the stomach to be comfortable, relieve abdominal cramps and help out the wind.
• Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.

How to make Wedang Ronde by yourself


* 300 grams of glutinous rice flour
* 200 grams of granulated sugar
* 2 stalks lemongrass
* 50 grams ginger
* 5 seed clove
* 1000 cc of water (for water ginger)
* 100 grams of roasted peanuts, crushed
How to Make:

* Knead sticky rice flour with hot water were gradually hinga dough can be formed. If desired, can be given coloring. Rounded shapes such as seeds marbles.
* Bring the water in a saucepan. Enter the sticky dots, cook until the sphere floats on the water signal is ripe. Lift.
* Boil the sugar with lemon grass, ginger, cloves and water to boil. Enter the round dots. Serve in cups or bowls, sprinkle with powdered peanuts.

Makes 5-6 cups

Wedang ROnde, Indonesia Drinkking

It's called Ronde. The word 'wedang' means 'to treat a drink'. 'Round' nothing in common with such rounds in a boxing gym. I miss the simple but traditional drink delicious warm body.
Many benefits are obtained from wedang round like a warm body and make the body stay fit. So for you all if it rains you can choose to drink round wedang alternatives. And how about the taste ?? while for the taste itself wedang round, warm, sweet, and there is a sense of nuts and a little spicy. slightly spicy ginger in the mix inside.

Friday, March 5, 2010


You mus went to Yogyakarta, or have you hear Yogyakarta City. If you don't know, let we see a moment. Yogyakarta is located about 500 km east side from capital city of Indonesia. Yogyakarta known as student city since it have many university and also know as 2nd Indonesia tourism city after Bali. Average temperature is tropical temperature, so it will be good if we visit to Yogyakarta at dry season from February until September.

Candi Borobudur (Borobudur Temple)
It's located about 50 km north west of Yogyakarta and one of remarkable monument in Indonesia, a splendid work of art and the largest budhhist temple in the world. If you come and visit. Below is the photo taken when I went to Borobudur temple

Candi Sari (Sari Temple)
Another candi located 13 km from Yogyakarta. Almost same with the others, this temple is budhist temple.

AlunAlun Kidul - Beside Palace of Yogyakarta
In this place you can rest spend times with your friends at college or family or boys girls friend, you might have sat in one night on the mat spread close to stalls around the square while discussing your tasks or talking about popular juniors in campus while enjoying the sweet, hot ronde or bajigur beverages.

Well, actually at least there are famous place from many tourist places are located around Yogyakarta. Those temple is place that we should be visit when we go to Yogyakarta. For next, we will take a look another interesting place in Yogyakarta for Vacation


The Novotel Yogyakarta is a 4 star hotel in the centre of Yogyakarta. Ideal for both holidays and business trips, the hotel offers spacious, contemporary rooms, a business centre, free WiFi internet access and meeting facilities. No stay in Yogyakarta would be complete without a visit to the Buddhist Temple of Borobodur, the largest in the world. The hotel features two restaurants, two bars, a fitness centre, swimming pool, spa and beauty salon, a Kids Club, boutiques and a full range of activities.
Jalan Jendral Sudirman 89 55223 YOGYAKARTA INDONESIA
Tel (+62)274/580930
Fax (+62)274/580931
visit us at: and E-mail


So close from Adisucipto international Airport, Yogyakarta. The hotel's exterior is blatantly strong with Japanese nuance blending with wall flaxed by volcanic stones which are also the materials in candi constructions in Yogyakarta.
From this hotel, within a short stroll you can reach airport and other attention - grabbing tourism destinations, such as the beautiful Candi Prambanan which is 47 meter in height, the exotic Kraton Boko located on the peak of a hill, and Candi Ijo which lies on the highest spot in Yogyakarta.
Jl. Solo Km. 8 Gang KH. Muhdi Nayan Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62 274 488223
Fax: +62 274 7197547
CP: Santi Mobile: +62 8170419205

Unique vases with batik colors

Andro Craft has some vase products made in a unique and artistic way. These vases are also polished by batik colors and burnt to make an exceptional Javanese batik color which results to more appealing vases with shoelace marks and plant patterns.
Desa Wisata Kasongan
Phone: +62 817262498

Agung Mas Hotel – With Traditional Touch

Agung Mas Hotel, a hotel that always gives you comfort by its special warmth of Jogjakarta. With warm smiles and greetings, our staffs are ready to give you our best service. Its location in the heart of the city makes Agung Mas Hotel as a strategic hotel. It is only 10 minutes from Malioboro, Kraton Jogjakarta or even from Sasana Wiratama or The Pangeran Diponegoro Museum.
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 108 Jogja
Reservation / Information: +62 274 619576, +62 274 619782
Phone/Fax: +62 274 - 619783


Furniture manufacturer, products mainly in cabinet, chair and table, also accept order based on own design. Located in Solo, Central Java.

Jl.Dr.Rajiman 585 Solo Central Java Indonesia Telephone +62 274 887309 Mobile +62 818 274 000 Fax +62 274887309


Djanoko Furniture is manufacturer and exporter of Antique reproduction furniture that used various wood material such as; Mahogany (mainly), Teak, Pacific Oak, etc and presenting its products, such as; armoires, beds, bed sides, buffets, chairs, console, exclusive furniture, handicrafts, tables, etc. It is located in Jepara (Central Java) – Indonesia.

Potroyudan No.39 Rt/Rw:2/5 City:Jepara State:Central Java Country:Indonesia Telephone :+62-291-3401802 Fax:+62-291-592901 Post Code:59412. AND u can visit us at :

Alun-Alun kidul of Yogyakarta

In this place you can rest spend times with your friends at college or family or boys girls friend, you might have sat in one night on the mat spread close to stalls around the square while discussing your tasks or talking about popular juniors in campus while enjoying the sweet, hot ronde or bajigur beverages.

In addition to ronde, you can try the so-called bajigur beverage. It is similar to ronde with strong taste of ginger but its thick liquid is made from coconut milk, coffee and syrup of palm sugar. It contains slices of bread, coconut and fruit of sugar palm. These hot beverages are the best choices to expel the coldness of night while chatting with your friends.

But In this area u can try the name is walking straight. It’s most popular entertainment tourism. U can walk straight a head with close eye, many people can not do that, because they don’t have a pure heart. In short only people with the pure heart can walk straiht a head between two tree with eye closed.

At certain occasion, you can see leather puppet performance in Sasono Hinggil Dwi Abad, the building that is located adjacent to the South Square. You have to prepare yourself to enjoy the nightlong performance. You can also see the troops of Yogyakarta Kingdom are preparing themselves before joining the Grebeg ceremony (to commemorate the birth of Muhammad). They gather in this square before the ceremony and then march to the North Square at the ceremonial day.

So u must try this one, many tourism try this and many of they can’t do the walking straight between two tree with closed eye.


Angkringan Lik Man is legendary because the seller is the first generation of the angkringan sellers in Yogyakarta most of whom come from Klaten. Lik Man or uncle Man whose original name is Siswo Raharjo is the son of grandpa Pairo, the first angkringan seller in Yogyakarta who has been running this business since 1950s. The stall with angkringan concept that used to be called 'ting ting hik' was inherited to Lik Man in 1969. Since then, other angkringans mushroomed in Yogyakarta.

The favorite beverage is Kopi Joss, coffee served with hot charcoal plunged in it. The superiority of such coffee is lower degree of caffeine after being neutralized by the charcoal. Such finding was resulted from a research done by some students of Gadjah Mada University who often hang around there.

The main menu is sego kucing that consists of some rice and stirred-fried tempe and tiny sea fish cooked with chili. Other food such as fries and fried jadah (made of sticky rice) are also available. The delicious sego kucing is sold at 1,000 Rupiah per portion. Sego kucing that is served warm goes well with fried tempe or others like skewered quail's eggs. It does not have to spend much money to taste delicious menu.

And the location for kopi jos is beside the train station on malioboro street yogyakarta



Salak pondoh is unique plant with the upper part looks like oil palm with a little touch of fern style and they look very unique when planted in a row. The fruits growing at the low stem are small in the shape and with meat that does not stick to the seed and its sweet taste is the selling point of this fruit.

Enjoying Natural Atmosphere

To reach Turi Agro Tourism, there are Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar and Jalan Magelang to take. Entering Turi District, the scenery of salak plants on both sides of the street becomes sensation of the village nuance after passing through rice field and gardens owned by local people.

It is not difficult to get to agro tourism are since many signs will lead readily you. If you are still in doubt, come to local people and ask them. They will be friendly to tell you the direction.

Going Around the Fruit Garden

Turi Agro Tourism is as wide as 27 hectares land that is changed into salak pondoh garden, children play ground, fish pond and swimming pool. This tourism complex is located in Gadung village, Bangunkerto Sub District, Turi District, Slemen Regency.

Located at the height of 200 meters above sea level, the weather is so good for salak pondoh growth. The cool air gives comfort while going around this garden. When you walk through the salak plants, you will even hear the sound of soft rustling wind just like the sea wind so that you feel like walking through a village by the seashore.

One of the main products of Turi Agro Tourism is Kebun Nusantara. There are not less than 17 kinds of salak plants in this two hectares area, ranging from superior salak pondoh, yellow salak pondoh, black salak pondoh, condet salak pondoh, manggala salak, gaing salak, bali salak, semeru salak and tanonjaya salak.

In addition to salak plants, there are also medication plants such as ginger, temulawak, blimbing wuluh, galingale, and others for traditional recipes.

House of Chandra – A Romanced Atmospheric Modern House with an Open Dining Room

When the holiday comes, almost all the hotels in Jogja are fully booked. House of Chandra offers you and family a cozy homey place to stay. It is located in a strategic area, Jalan Taman Siswa; it is famous for its universities and culinary places nearby. It takes only 15 minutes to reach Malioboro, Kraton, Tamansari, and Sentra Kerajinan Perak Kotagede (Kotagede Silver Craft Center). By walking from your home, you are able to have a bite of culinary "cuisine" along Jalan Taman Siswa and visit 24-hours mini grocery store.

House of Chandra is a set-upright building that is neatly set and has a good air circulation. It is completed by three main rooms (two air-conditioned rooms) and a spare room, a guest room, a living room with TV and sofa bed, an open air dining room, a kitchen with cooking and dinner set, a bathroom with water heater and a garage.

Jl. Manuk Beri MG II No. 957 Kav B2
Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62 811874615, +62 8161169367